Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thing 6: Curation Tools

My head is full of new information! I started by reading the article" Teaching Kids to Curate Content Collections", which led me to the NYC soda ban resources in Scoopit which I shared with a 9th grade English teacher who is researching local interest topics.I looked at Learnest and thought this would be perfect for an English 11 teacher who runs a flipped classroom. I joined Scoopit and looked at Chris Gibson's page which I ended up sharing with a 10 grade Global Studies teacher who is researching Ancient Civilizations.I looked at the conversation threads in Mentormob and plan to follow them more closely.I also joined Diigo and am following Cool Tools for Schools and Teacher-Librarian. In reading through the class information, I think I am more in the "Digging for Gold" category---collecting information and passing it along.I completely understand how these curation tools will be beneficial for students to put together resource lists for research projects. I may play with Scoopit over the stummer to make resource lists for the main projects required at the high school where I work. Right now I just have lists of websites that have accumulated through the years, and I would like to reorganize my webpage to make it more appealing.

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