Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thing 18 Digital Citizenship

I really enjoyed this topic. That articles were very informative and hit close to home. My son is now a junior in college, but when he was applying to colleges, I urged him to clean up his Facebook page. He had pictures on there of him partying with his friends ( yes, underage) and making obscene gestures. He could not figure out how I knew what was on his page since he would not allow me to be his "friend". My point to him was that if I could get to the information, college admissions offices could too. The best part about this lesson learned, was that he shared that information with all his friends and they have been posting responsibly since.

I read Skills We Can't Teach, ASCD Digitally Speaking/Positive Digital Footprints, Footprints in the Digital Age, Digital  Footprints-How Big and Do They Stink, Is Your Schools' Digital Citizenship Practice pass or Fail?, They Loved Your GPA and Then They Saw Your Tweets. 
My school district gets a passing grade on the Continuum rubric at a "3" in that we block and filter social networking sites, but we do have a Digital Citizenship curriculum that begins in 1st grade. We also use Edmodo and Moodle, and students are required to post discussions in a responsible manner. I shared the links to the Digital Citizenship Education Site and the Digital Passport program with the rest of the librarians in my district. I also shared and printed up the Students Guide to Personal Publishing to hang in  my library.

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